Close the conversation Or End the conversation
You are speaking with someone, suddenly you a get a phone call from others. Something happened in your home or to your family members. How will you inform to listener? And how will you close the conversation?
Here we have given some examples:
Sir, just now I received a phone call from my wife. My mother fell down in the bath room. She got injury on her head and arms. She was admitted in the hospital. I want to go hospital immediately. We will discuss about this issue later. Sorry for inconvenience.
Madam, Just now my friend phoned me. My brother met minor accident near Central Railway station. He was admitted in Apollo Hospital. I have to go hospital immediately. We will see later. Bye.
Sir, Just now I got a phone call from my neighbour. While I come to office, I forgot to close the door. It’s in open. I should go to home and close that. I am unable to attend the meeting now. We will discuss about this tomorrow.