Concrete Noun

What is Concrete Noun?

“Whatever we can feel, see and touch is called concrete noun".

or we can say

"Whatever we can see and touch and their presence or existence can be physically felt. Such nouns are called concrete nouns.”

Now we can see some examples




Find the Concrete Noun from below mentioned sentences.

1. I bought some apples.
2. He had lunch with them.
3. They sold theirs land.
4. She stitched her jacket.
5. My pen is not working properly.
6. He scribbled on the desk.
7. Students broke tube-light.
8. Mother prepared food.
9. They won the medal.
10. The road was blocked by an accident.

Note: Concrete Noun is highlighted in Red color.

1. I bought some apples.
2. He had lunch with them.
3. They sold theirs land.
4. She stitched her jacket.
5. My pen is not working properly.
6. He scribbled on the desk.
7. Students broke tube-light.
8. Mother prepared food.
9. They won the medal.
10. The road was blocked by an accident.