Simple Past Tense

Find out correct simple past tense from the bracket.

1. I …………(play, plays, played) chess yesterday.
New;W ehd; nr]; tpisahbNdd;.

2. We …………(ate, eat, eats) fast food in the restaurant.
ehq;fs; nu];lhuz;by; gh];l; Gl; rhg;gpl;Nlhk;.

3. You …………(came, come, has come) to class yesterday evening.
New;W khiy eP tFg;Gf;F te;jha;.

4. They …………(study, studys, studied) in the college last year.
mth;fs; fle;j tUlk; fy;Yhhpapy; gbj;jhh;fs;.

5. He …………(finish, finished, finishes) his home work.
mtd; mtDila tPl;L ghlq;fis Kbj;Jtpl;lhd;.

6. She …………(buy, buys, bought) some fruits in the market.
mts; khh;f;nfl;by; nfhQ;rk; goq;fs; thq;fpdhs;.

7. The train…………(arrive, arrived, arrives) on platform.
,uapy; tz;b gpshl;ghuk; kPJ te;jJ.

8. I …………(went, go, goes) to temple last week.
Nghd thuk; ehd; NfhapYf;F nrd;Nwd;.

9. We …………(invite, invites, invited) them to the party.
ehk; mth;fis ghh;l;bf;F mioj;Njhk;.

10. You ………..(drove, drive, drives) the car well.
eP ed;whf fhh; Xl;bdha;.


Note: Correct answers are highlighted in Red color.

1. I played chess yesterday.
New;W ehd; nr]; tpisahbNdd;.

2. We ate fast food in the restaurant.
ehq;fs; nu];lhuz;by; gh];l; Gl; rhg;gpl;Nlhk;.

3. You came to class yesterday evening.
New;W khiy eP tFg;Gf;F te;jha;.

4. They studied in the college last year.
mth;fs; fle;j tUlk; fy;Yhhpapy; gbj;jhh;fs;.

5. He finished his home work.
mtd; mtDila tPl;L ghlq;fis Kbj;Jtpl;lhd;.

6. She bought some fruits in the market.
mts; khh;f;nfl;by; nfhQ;rk; goq;fs; thq;fpdhs;.

7. The train arrived on platform.
,uapy; tz;b gpshl;ghuk; kPJ te;jJ.

8. I went to temple last week.
Nghd thuk; ehd; NfhapYf;F nrd;Nwd;.

9. We invited them to the party.
ehk; mth;fis ghh;l;bf;F mioj;Njhk;.

10. You drove the car well.
eP ed;whf fhh; Xl;bdha;.