Simple Present Tense

Find out correct simple present tense from the bracket.

1. I ………..(go, goes, am) to market.
ehd; khh;nfl;Lf;F NghfpNwd;.

2. We ………..(play, was, plays) cricket in the ground.
ehq;fs; ikjhdj;jpy; fphpf;nfl; tpisahLfpNwhk;.

3. You ………..(come, came, is) to office today.
eP ,d;W mYtyfj;Jf;F tuTk;.

4. They …………(are, clean, cleaned) the class room.
mth;fs; tFg;giwia Rj;jk; nra;fpwhh;fs;.

5. Shriram …………(eat, were, eats) chicken briyani.
=uhk; rpf;fd;; gphpahzp rhg;gpLfpwhd;.

6. Shanthi …………(drinks, drank, will) grape juice.
rhe;jp fpNug; [P]; Fbf;fpwhs;.

7. The train…………( arrives, have, arrived) on platform.
,uapy; tz;b gpshl;ghuk; kPJ tUfpwJ.

8. I …………(is, buy, buys) vegetables in the market.
ehd; khh;f;nfl;by; fha;fwpfs; thq;FfpNwd;.

9. We…………( practice, shall, practiced) karate in the school.
ehq;fs; gs;spapy; fuhj;Nj gapw;rp nra;fpNwhk;.

10. You…………(watch, has, watched) movie.
eP glk; ghh;f;fpwha;.

Note: Correct answers are highlighted in Red color.

1. I go to market.
ehd; khh;nfl;Lf;F NghfpNwd;.

2. We play cricket in the ground.
ehq;fs; ikjhdj;jpy; fphpf;nfl; tpisahLfpNwhk;.

3. You come to office today.
eP ,d;W mYtyfj;Jf;F tuTk;.

4. They clean the class room.
mth;fs; tFg;giwia Rj;jk; nra;fpwhh;fs;.

5. Shriram eats chicken briyani.
=uhk; rpf;fd;; gphpahzp rhg;gpLfpwhd;.

6. Shanthi drinks grape juice.
rhe;jp fpNug; [P]; Fbf;fpwhs;.

7. The train arrives on platform.
,uapy; tz;b gpshl;ghuk; kPJ tUfpwJ.

8. I buy vegetables in the market.
ehd; khh;f;nfl;by; fha;fwpfs; thq;FfpNwd;.

9. We practice karate in the school.
ehq;fs; gs;spapy; fuhj;Nj gapw;rp nra;fpNwhk;.

10. You watch movie.
eP glk; ghh;f;fpwha;.