
What is Phrase?

“A group of words which makes sentence, but not complete sentence, is called a Phrase”.


We can this simply like

"An incomplete sentence, which has meaning is called a Phrase".

Now we can see some examples


in the East.
in the West.
on the Wall.
at the Door.

Kinds of Phrases

    1. Adjective Phrase
    2. Noun Phrase
    3. Adverb Phrase


    Find the Phrase from below mentioned sentences.

    1. The leader spoke among the people.
    2. I found him in the crowd.
    3. He sat on the table.
    4. Man set foot on the moon.
    5. He lives near the sea.
    6. She arrived after dinner.
    7. They came all together.
    8. They suffer without money.
    9. Mother prepared tasty food.
    10. My puppy is my best friend.

    Note: Phrases are highlighted in Red color.

    1. The leader spoke among the people.
    2. I found him in the crowd.
    3. He sat on the table.
    4. Man set foot on the moon.
    5. He lives near the sea.
    6. She arrived after dinner.
    7. They came all together.
    8. They suffer without money.
    9. Mother prepared tasty food.
    10. My puppy is my best friend.