
What is Noun?

“A Noun is a naming word of a person, place, things, and animal”.


“A Noun is word which used to mention a names of a person, place, things, and animal”.

Now we can see some examples


Senthil [Name]
Chennai [Place]
Table [Things]
Tiger [Animal]


Find the Noun from below mentioned sentences.

1. I live in Delhi.
2. Asoka was a great King.
3. I bought a Doll.
4. India is my country.
5. Chennai is capital of Tamilnadu.
6. Rajnikanth is a famous cine actor.
7. Marina beach is very beautiful.
8. He purchased a jeanspant.
9. They went to Bangalore.
10. Tiger is dangerous animal.

1. I live in Delhi.
2. Asoka was a great King.
3. I bought a Doll.
4. India is my country.
5. Chennai is capital of Tamilnadu.
6. Rajnikanth is a famous cine actor.
7. Marina beach is very beautiful.
8. He purchased a jeanspant.
9. They went to Bangalore.
10. Tiger is dangerous animal.

Kinds of Nouns

1. Abstract Noun
2. Concrete Noun
3. Proper Noun
4. Common Noun
5. Collective Noun
6. Material Noun
7. Countable Noun
8. Uncountable Noun
9. Compound Noun
10. Possessive Noun