
What is Conjunction?

“A conjunction is a word, which is used to add join the words or sentences.”

Now we can see some examples


Durai and Senthil went to cinema.
He ran fast but he missed the bus.


Find the Conjunction from below mentioned sentences.

1. As she asked, I told the answer.
2. I practiced well, so I got gold medal.
3. You study hard, or you will fail in the exam.
4. If you study well, you will get more marks.
5. Naresh and Senthil went to temple.
6. He studied well, but he failed.
7. You wait here, until I come.
8. James was absent, because he was ill.
9. I reached the home, before the rain started.
10. Although Durai is rich, he is not happy.

1. As she asked, I told the answer.
2. I practiced well, so I got gold medal.
3. You study hard, or you will fail in the exam.
4. If you study well, you will get more marks.
5. Naresh and Senthil went to temple.
6. He studied well, but he failed.
7. You wait here, until I come.
8. James was absent, because he was ill.
9. I reached the home, before the rain started.
10. Although Durai is rich, he is not happy.

Kinds of Conjunction:

Co-ordinating conjunction
Subordinating conjunction
Correlative conjunction