Adverb List
Srl.No. Adverb Meaning
1 abnormally Not typical, usual, or regular; not normal
2 absentmindedly in an absentminded or preoccupied manner; "he read the letter absently"
3 accidentally Occurring unexpectedly, unintentionally, or by chance
4 acidly Having a sour taste
5 actually In fact; in reality
6 adventurously Inclined to undertake new and daring enterprises, risky
7 afterwards At a later time; subsequently
8 almost little short of being; very nearly
9 always For all time; forever
10 angrily Feeling or showing anger; incensed or enraged
11 annually Yearly; Recurring, done, or performed every year
12 anxiously Uneasy and apprehensive about an uncertain event or matter; worried
13 arrogantly Having or displaying a sense of overbearing self-worth or self-importance
14 awkwardly Not graceful; ungainly, clumsy
15 badly Poorly; defectively; inadequately
16 bashfully Shy, self-conscious, and awkward in the presence of others
17 beautifully Having qualities that delight the senses, Excellent; wonderful
18 bitterly Having or being a taste that is sharp, acrid, and unpleasant
19 bleakly Providing no encouragement; depressing
20 blindly sightless
21 blissfully Extreme happiness; ecstasy
22 boastfully To speak of with excessive pride
23 boldly Fearless and daring; courageous
24 bravely Possessing or displaying courage; valiant
25 briefly
26 brightly
27 briskly
28 broadly
29 busily
30 calmly
31 carefully
32 carelessly
33 cautiously
34 certainly
35 cheerfully
36 clearly
37 cleverly
38 closely
39 coaxingly
40 colorfully
41 commonly
42 continually
43 coolly
44 correctly
45 courageously
46 crossly
47 cruelly
48 curiously
49 daily
50 daintily
51 dearly
52 deceivingly
53 delightfully
54 deeply
55 defiantly
56 deliberately
57 delightfully
58 diligently
59 dimly
60 doubtfully
61 dreamily
62 easily
63 elegantly
64 energetically
65 enormously
66 enthusiastically
67 equally
68 especially
69 even
70 evenly
71 eventually
72 exactly
73 excitedly
74 extremely
75 fairly
76 faithfully
77 famously
78 far
79 fast
80 fatally
81 ferociously
82 fervently
83 fiercely
84 fondly
85 foolishly
86 fortunately
87 frankly
88 frantically
89 freely
90 frenetically
91 frightfully
92 fully
93 furiously
94 frightfully
95 fully
96 furiously
97 generally
98 generously
99 gently
100 gladly
101 gleefully
102 gracefully
103 gratefully
104 greatly
105 greedily
106 happily
107 hastily
108 healthily
109 heavily
110 helpfully
111 helplessly
112 highly
113 honestly
114 hopelessly
115 hourly
116 hungrily
117 immediately
118 innocently
119 inquisitively
120 instantly
121 intensely
122 intently
123 interestingly
124 inwardly
125 irritably
126 jaggedly
127 jealously
128 joshingly
129 joyfully
130 joyously
131 jovially
132 jubilantly
133 judgementally
134 justly
135 keenly
136 kiddingly
137 kindheartedly
138 kindly
139 kissingly
140 knavishly
141 knottily
142 knowingly
143 knowledgeably
144 kookily
145 lazily
146 less
147 lightly
148 likely
149 limply
150 lively
151 loftily
152 longingly
153 loosely
154 lovingly
155 loudly
156 loyally
157 madly
158 majestically
159 meaningfully
160 mechanically
161 merrily
162 merrily
163 mockingly
164 monthly
165 more
166 mortally
167 mostly
168 mysteriously
169 naturally
170 nearly
171 neatly
172 needily
173 nervously
174 never
175 nicely
176 noisily
177 not
178 obediently
179 obnoxiously
180 oddly
181 offensively
182 officially
183 often
184 only
185 openly
186 optimistically
187 overconfidently
188 owlishly
189 painfully
190 partially
191 patiently
192 perfectly
193 physically
194 playfully
195 politely
196 poorly
197 positively
198 potentially
199 powerfully
200 promptly
201 properly
202 punctually
203 quaintly
204 quarrelsomely
205 queasily
206 queerly
207 questionably
208 questioningly
209 quicker
210 quickly
211 quietly
212 quirkily
213 quizzically
214 rapidly
215 rarely
216 readily
217 really
218 reassuringly
219 recklessly
220 regularly
221 reluctantly
222 repeatedly
223 reproachfully
224 restfully
225 righteously
226 rightfully
227 rigidly
228 roughly
229 rudely
230 sadly
231 safely
232 scarcely
233 scarily
234 searchingly
235 sedately
236 seemingly
237 seldom
238 selfishly
239 separately
240 seriously
241 shakily
242 sharply
243 sheepishly
244 shrilly
245 shyly
246 silently
247 sleepily
248 slowly
249 smoothly
250 softly
251 solemnly
252 solidly
253 sometimes
254 soon
255 speedily
256 stealthily
257 sternly
258 strictly
259 successfully
260 suddenly
261 surprisingly
262 suspiciously
263 sweetly
264 swiftly
265 sympathetically
266 tenderly
267 tensely
268 terribly
269 thankfully
270 thoroughly
271 thoughtfully
272 tightly
273 tomorrow
274 too
275 tremendously
276 triumphantly
277 truly
278 truthfully
279 ultimately
280 unabashedly
281 unaccountably
282 unbearably
283 unethically
284 unexpectedly
285 unfortunately
286 unimpressively
287 unnaturally
288 unnecessarily
289 utterly
290 upbeat
291 upliftingly
292 upright
293 upside-down
294 upward
295 upwardly
296 urgently
297 usefully
298 uselessly
299 usually
300 utterly
301 vacantly
302 vaguely
303 vainly
304 valiantly
305 vastly
306 verbally
307 very
308 viciously
309 victoriously
310 violently
311 vivaciously
312 voluntarily
313 warmly
314 weakly
315 wearily
316 well
317 wetly
318 wholly
319 wildly
320 willfully
321 wisely
322 woefully
323 wonderfully
324 worriedly
325 wrongly
326 yawningly
327 yearly
328 yearningly
329 yesterday
330 yieldingly
331 youthfully
332 zealously
333 zestfully
334 zestily